Friday 23 March 2012

Week 19/03/11

We have now made a start on our final project. This project requires me to complete two briefs and write a proposal. The brief I have chosen for the project and proposal is for a brand called Badboy. The company sell products for martial arts fighting, particularly clothing used for training. I have chosen this brief as I have not worked with clothing before. I also have previous experience with this type of culture as I worked in a bodybuilding  gym for two years and have an idea of the type of clothing these men want to wear.  On Tuesday I wrote a plan for the proposal, I aim to have the full proposal finished by next Tuesday.  

For contextual studies I completed the essay plan on for Tuesdays tutorial. I want to have the first half of the essay draft done by next Tuesday, I will be working on this over the weekend. In todays lesson (Friday) I am updating my blog and working on the NHS brief where we have to design a logo for the Newcastle Medical Photography Department. I am starting my ideas for the  design by researching other medical photography logos. I will then start to mind map and sketch ideas. 

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