Thursday 22 November 2012

Packaging Design

These are final designs for the packaging brief, my task was to create a range of postal packaging designs for SPACE.NK.apothecary, a high end bath and beauty online store. My development led me to this design where I incorporate the laser cutting techniques to create a layered box, where the pattern is cut away from the outer layer to reveal a colour underneath. I wanted the box to be of a contemporary style with aspects of traditional to work with the brand name and values.

Sunday 20 May 2012

Newcastle Medical Photography

These are my second design ideas for the Newcastle Medical Photography, I decided to break down the appearance of a camera to a simple design either with the lens or the flash. I chose a very basic colour scheme to keep to a contemporary style, using grey and blue or orange. I used an abbreviation for the name which fitted to the logo with the full name written underneath using a clear typography.

Newcastle Medical Photography Logo

These are my logo design ideas for Newcastle Medical photography. Newcastle Medical Photography is a department of the hospital which specializes on medical photography which is used for documenting, teaching, publications and for evidence in court cases. I found this brief quite challenging as the brief was quite restricted and it was quite easy to fall into the trap of using cameras. 

For this logo idea I focused on the medical theme of the company, The Red Cross and cameras was the inspiration for this logo, half a medical cross which also appears to be a birds eye view of a camera with the department name fitted to the right side of the logo, I chose to work with blue and green as these colours are not too bold and are often associated to medicine. To add detail I experimented with overlapping and opacity, my favorite design is the middle one as it is more interesting with the three shades of colour created by the opacity tool on Illustrator.

Thursday 17 May 2012

Work Based Learning Project

This is what I have been working on for the Badboy brief. I have created three ranges of clothing each with a different approach for the logo design. I decided to create two designs to be of a style usually associated with this type of clothing, the third has been influenced by contemporary fashion brands to offer a fresh approach to this type of clothing.

week 14/05/12

This week I have been very busy with the work based learning project as the deadline is this Friday at 3pm. My main focus this week is to finish the clothing designs on the computer and create a design for presenting my ideas to the client, there are also lots of loose ends I need to complete for the deadline such as my digital skills, completing my proposal and annotating my book.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Editorial Design

Here is my final pieces for the Editorial Design project, for this project I designed a 4 page article on Made Thought, a graphic design company. The project focused on the typography and layout of the article, I did this by looking at Si Scott and Ryan McGuinness, Graphic designers who style focuses on elaborate typography using swirling designs and layers. I decided to design the article in a contemporary and minimalist style which focused heavily around the elaborate typography in the center of the page. I wanted the supplement to catch the attention of the reader so I designed the folding so that the four pages open out onto one spread creating a staggered background to work the designs into. 

Friday 23 March 2012

Week 19/03/11

We have now made a start on our final project. This project requires me to complete two briefs and write a proposal. The brief I have chosen for the project and proposal is for a brand called Badboy. The company sell products for martial arts fighting, particularly clothing used for training. I have chosen this brief as I have not worked with clothing before. I also have previous experience with this type of culture as I worked in a bodybuilding  gym for two years and have an idea of the type of clothing these men want to wear.  On Tuesday I wrote a plan for the proposal, I aim to have the full proposal finished by next Tuesday.  

For contextual studies I completed the essay plan on for Tuesdays tutorial. I want to have the first half of the essay draft done by next Tuesday, I will be working on this over the weekend. In todays lesson (Friday) I am updating my blog and working on the NHS brief where we have to design a logo for the Newcastle Medical Photography Department. I am starting my ideas for the  design by researching other medical photography logos. I will then start to mind map and sketch ideas. 

Saturday 25 February 2012

Subeaze Flyer

We were asked to create a flyer for Subeaze. The flyer is intended to advertise the company to construction workers currently close to finishing their current work. It will be placed around construction sites in places used by the workers such as toilets and canteens.  I wanted the flyer to be eye catching and easily read so I used a white background to emphasize the text and images. For the imagery I created silhouettes of common tools found on construction sites so that the viewer can relate the contents of the flyer. I kept the information very simple and used a question to draw the reader in. 

Design a Twizy

Here is my entry for the design a Twizy brief. 


Here are my final designs for the Subeaze website. They asked me to design four more symbols to represent each branch of the company. Each one represents either oil, security, manufacturing, catering, mining, and construction.

Thursday 2 February 2012

Week 30/01/11 Typographic and Editorial Design (C1470)

I completed my research of looking at the typographic circle and now I intend to look at other editorial pieces to gain some inspiration for my own design. I am finding this part difficult as they brief isn't clear on the use of pictures and the amount of information I need to include. I aim by the end of this week to have finished all of my research and development and come up with the final design. The last 2 weeks have been busy with other projects as well.

Last week my logo design for was chosen to be used on part of their website, they also asked me to design a further 5 symbols for each type of business they are branching out to. I worked on this over the weekend, with the deadline being Tuesday. I also worked on the A5 flyer for the next part of the project and aim to get this finished by Friday. 

I have also been working on the design a Twizy brief, which was to create a design for a cars exterior. My idea behind my design was the emphasis on the car being used specifically for the city, being small and nippy. I looked at street art which links to the urban theme of the car, it is also influencing the design world heavily at the moment. This led me to the idea of the car driving through paint, I felt that the drips and spray of the paint would create an eye catching design. I have created it in illustrator over the weekend but feel the front of the car looks quite plain and needs something more to complete the design. I will work on this over the next week and aim to get a second design done by the deadline the 17th of Febuary. 

Monday 16 January 2012

Week 16/01/11 Typographic and Editorial Design (C1470)

Last week I completed the research tasks 1 and 2, looking at David Carson's and Andrea Tinnes work. By annotating their typographic styles have provided me with the initial inspiration for the Pentagram brief. On the Tuesday the class was introduced to the grid system for setting up editorial designs to ensure they have balance. I also completed the class workshop on InDesign, this has helped me gain a better understanding on how to use the program which is essential for this project. 
This week I aim to get at least eight pages of the Circular Magazine annotated and analysed by Friday's lesson so that I can start to develop my ideas for the cover and two page spreads. I also need to choose a speaker from the Typographic Circle website to base my project on. 

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Final design for Penguin Book cover competition and module C1428

This is my final design for the illustration project, I chose to design a cover for the Brothers Grimm Fairy tales aimed for children and adults with children. After looking at Toki Doki and Tado I went with cute contemporary design that I felt would attract both the target markets. I chose a very light blue background to make the images on the page stand out as I felt white would be too plain. 

I liked experimenting with the composition of the characters, particularly the thickness of the lines and overlapping of the opaque colouring. I found that I was very restricted on time for this project and this is evident in my design. I would have liked to experiment further this the typeface in the title as I feel that it doesn't look quite right on the page as it is quite thin and doesnt catch the viewers attention as much as i would have liked.

SYNC logo competition

The class was given a brief by Newcastle University to design a logo for a new PR company which works to remove the barriers between the public and scientific research at the research. My development behind this design started with the idea of what is the science and what generates it, the mind and thought. The process led me to designing a series of cogs that work around the name of the company, I felt that cogs where most appropriate to describe the human brain.I used a binary style font to emphasize the scientific message further.

I like how the cogs are very simple but the colours work to define the detail as i used several shades of blue and grey making it eye catching. However if I were to develop this logo further I would have worked on the positioning of the imagery to find a position that may have worked better.

Final design for Branding and Corporate Image (module c1440)

This is my finished final design logo for the branding and corporate image module. for this project we where asked to design a logo and name for the staff bistro in the college. The bistro was used mainly by tutors aged 30 - 65, it served a variety of nutritious meals and was used as an escape from the busy college. I wanted to capture this peaceful atmosphere and the quality of the food in the logo so I decided to focus on an elaborate typeface that flowed. 

I enjoyed working on this project as it was the first time I had worked with illustrator (I was a fine art student previously)  and it taught me the basics of how to use the program. However if I had to do this project again I would change the name I chose, I found out when queuing for the hand in that there is another cafe in the college named Taste! I wont make that mistake again and will thoroughly research any other competitors.